Variety Topic Questions
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We found 23 questions associated with the 'Variety' topic. Displaying results 11 - 20.
Lme statistics. (could someone please interpret this for me in lme)?
model1<-lme(yield~nitro,random=~1|Block,data=data2[data2$Variety=="Golden Rain",],method="ML") #ML=log-likelihood is maximized ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open
Related topics: golden, random, rain, block, log, variety, yield, statistics, statistic, summary, data
Why there are variety of words in different language?
language in the world do not have similar distinction between word category, their words do vary according to the language type and word category, why
Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open
Related topics: world, different, language, variety, word, languages
Does having surgery with extreme abdomen/groin scar tissue effect the healing process? How so?
My mother has had 18 surgeries all together. But only about 10 of them have been in the abdominal area. They have been for a variety of things. But ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: mother, area, surgery, tissue, extreme, variety, scar, scars, abdominal, mothers
How do they make the tea at boba tea shops and do they throw out the tea they dont sell or keep it?
basically I want to know. They have a vast variety of tea to sell but what happens when they cant sell all of the tea? Do they have some method of ...
Which variety of basil is used for preparing best quality tea /?
Why is it our technology is so sophisticated but every culture is morally inept?
Political debate has little basis in morality, emotional charged, inconsistent and happiy contain every variety of logical fallacy. We go to war, ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: war, little, culture, political, technology, every, emotional, variety, wars, morality, logical fallacy
I have an interview for a job I can't take - what do I do?
I've got a phone interview today for a job that, for a variety of reasons I won't be able to take. Whats the best thing for me to do?? How ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | 1 star | Open
Related topics: phone, job, variety, interview, today, phones, interviews, employment