Seed Topic Questions
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We found 60 questions associated with the 'Seed' topic. Displaying results 41 - 50.
I found some seeds (I think they are seeds) and I am wondering what they are. They are small reddish
... orangey brown and a flat cylinder shape
What seeds and other foods should I avoid if I have diverticulosis?
Can I eat blueberries or blueberries juiced in a blender?
Help broken tooth producing seeds???
I have had this broken tooth for awhile now and every so often a seed comes out of it like a literal seed comes out what is happening?!?!?
I planted a lemon seed and now two lemon plants grew out of the ground.These plants are in a pot btw
So thats the story.Im not sure what to do because I heard that if 2 plants grow together then one dies?
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: plant, grow, ground, lemon, pot, seed, story, together, planted, plants
Are Apple seeds poisonous? If they are, how many of them can be safely eaten in a day?
Some People say they are poisonous, but some people say they can be beneficial to a person's health?
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: people, apple, person, seed, health, eaten, poisonous, apples, days, day, medicine, aternative medicine, nutrients, nutrition, ...
Living on healthy snacks instead of having meals?
I'm thinking about just doing healthy snacks and only having meals on occasion. My diet would be mostly fruits, some veggies, nuts and seeds and ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 3 answers | | Open
Related topics: fruit, meal, seed, healthy, living, snack, nut, diet
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