Results for 'Poor School Phone Worried Schools Friends Phones High School Smart Phone'
Do teachers ever feel like they aren't smart enough, or felt like that before they went into?
I worry that I won't be smart enough to teach high school. But then again I wonder if everyone wonders that when they go into teaching.
Related support groups: school, high, felt, wonder, smart, feel, teacher, teach, teaching, schools, high school
Asthma attack last night, @12:45 PM. Couldn't breath. Mom worried. Why is she worried about me?
Had an asthma attack last night. (12:45 PM). Couldn't breath. Mother worried SICK about me. Why is she worried? Its just a basic symptom.
Posted 3+ months • 2 answers •
Related support groups: mom, night, mother, attack, sick, breath, worried, mothers
Is it better to go to a New Technology High School, or a Normal High School?
I got a letter about a New Technology High school in my area that is recruting, but I don't know if it is better to go to a normal high school, ...
Posted 3+ months • 4 answers • 1 star
Related support groups: school, high, technology, schools, high school
Can you take Online High School classes to raise your GPA even if you have already graduated?
I have already graduated high school but I did not take the SATs and my GPA was not very high at all I would like to maybe take High School classes ...
Related support groups: school, high, online, raise, schools, high school, gpa
Missing high school?
some of my best memories and friends i've ever had come from high school. i miss the friendship i had and feeling like i belonged. i also met ...
Posted 3+ months • 2 answers •
Related support groups: school, high, friend, feeling, missing, memories, friendship, schools, friends, high school
I have a UTI and my friend wants me to spend the night. I'm worried, someone help me please?
I'm very worried that I might need to go frequently and cause concern for her and her parents. Or even have an accident. It's really ...
Related support groups: night, friend, accident, parent, worried, friends, help, parents
Can you attend a high school in South Korea for 2 months?
I'm wanting to visit South Korea and I have a friend who lives there and attend high school. I want to attend her high school for 2 months ...
Related support groups: school, high, korea, friend, south, visit, month, schools, friends, high school, south korea
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