Results for 'Door Neighbor'
What's the name of the movie that girl is murdered by her neighbor and her ghost helps her sister?
The neighbor had glasses and a mustache. The girl who was killed was the younger sister. She was a ghost because she couldn't find peace because ...
Related support groups: glasses, peace, girl, sister, mustache, ghost, movie, neighbor, girls, name, movies
Can cop give ticket without witnessing in person?
Can a cop give me a ticket if my neighbor submits a video of me passing up a stop sign? Doesn't the cop have to witness the act in person? I saw ...
I know the answer but I want Validation. Neighbor needs to mind their own business. re: my cat?
Neighbor tried to ask me where I was when my cat was tied up on my patio. Told Mgr. she needs to tell Crazy person "to mind her own ...
Related support groups: cat, person, mind, crazy, patio, neighbor, tied, answer, cats
I gave my neighbors key to her friend but my dad said that I shouldn't have. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
because 1: my neighbor didn't ask me to 2:i don't know who they are just that they my neighbor 3:THEY ENTERED HER HOUSE AND LEFT A GIFT
Related support groups: house, key, friend, left, dad, gift, neighbor, friends
How would I report a neighbor if things get worse?
I have a neighbor who seems to act odd. He is the son of a state troooper. I started to notice that he stares at me often. He will come outside when ...
Posted 3+ months • 3 answers •
Related support groups: notice, state, outside, stare, act, report, neighbor
My neighbor has had his 40ft utility trailer in my yard for over 3-5 years. Can I claim it?
My neighbor has had his 40ft utility trailer in my yard for over 3-5 years. I've told him verbally i want it gone but he just says the same ole ...
Posted 3+ months • 2 answers •
Related support groups: over, year, utility, yard, neighbor, trailer, years
If I buy a car door for a totaled car and replace it, will it need to be reprogrammed?
Will I need to reprogram he door to fit the car I have because it is coming from another car but the new door is from the same make and model. Also ...
Posted 3+ months • 0 answers •
Related support groups: door, model, news, coming, car, cars
Where can I buy a door that look like a brick wall w no knob and youd press a brick to open the door
A basic door, want it for my bedroom, preferably a regular door w knob on the inside.
Posted 3+ months • 1 answer • 1 star
Related support groups: wall, open, door, inside, brick, bedroom, knob, the doors, secret, entry
Movie where guy kicks the door to try to get it open but another guy walks up and twists the knob?
What movie has a scene in it where a cop is trying to kick in the door to breach but fails,then another cop walks up & opens the door by simply ...
How do 3" thick entry doors clear the jam, is there a large gap between door and jam when closed?
when a door this thick swings it gains over an inch in the width needed in between it and the jam. so when it is closed does it have a wider gap ...
In order to open a door, a student applies a force perpendicular to the door. the student can?
... increase the applied torque by applying the force a) a different angle b) closer to the edge of the door near the hinges c)closer to the edge of ...
Posted 3+ months • 0 answers •
Related support groups: open, door, force, closer, edge, angle, student, different, near, order, the doors
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