I have a neighbor who seems to act odd. He is the son of a state troooper. I started to notice that he stares at me often. He will come outside when he sees me out. I have sat on my balcony and looked up finding him there standing and watching me. I am guy and happen to be gay. He does talk with me and seems to hold conversation. Recently he came over to the picnic table at our apartment complex and talked about shooting guns. He stated that he shoots deer to watch them die and to see what it will do. He also said he can hit anybody from far away. I feel like he may be interested in me as a friend or maybe more. My concern is that he seems to be violent but seems to try to grab my attention. I have tried to ignore his staring and he will make it look like he goes back inside, but will actually walk around to the other side of the complex where he can sit to watch me. I asked if he was straight but he says yes. What do I do? Should I be concerned?