I'm a teenage girl, and guys are sooo mean to me, but nice to everyone else. I I don't ask for much, I don't want a guy to choose me over his friends when he really wants to be with them, I don't care how they look, or how cool they are, or what they wear. I don't reject guys because they hate romantic things, in fact, I hate romantic things too! I'm not an annoying status updater on Facebook, and I don't take any annoying pictures with a "duckface" or peace sign (I only have picture of me when other people take them). I dress nice enough, I might wear something revealing occasionally, or something that makes me look good. I do my hair so that it nicely shapes my face, an I wear a little make-up, but not too much, and I don't get all worked up over how I look. I don't care about styles or what's "in" at all. I play video games, I don't watch romantic movies, I don't do ANY stereotypical girl stuff. I don't even listen to new music, and I think people like Justin Bieber are butt ugly! I don't care if a guy is muscley, fat, or completely skinny. I just like it when people are nice, and have a good sense of humor. I let myself be noticed, but I don't flaunt myself either. I'm a unique person, and guys make fun of me for it. I've walked into rooms where they talk badly about me. Is it just because I won't put out for them? or is it something else?? Please help me!
Answers (48)
Just be yourself and if they don't like it then that's there problem but you have to make sure your nice to them. If there mean to you, walk away crying, make them feel horrible. Don't think crying is for babies because your a girl, guys really don't care. But they will feel bad, just try it out. If that doesn't work then just ignore them
They're probably mad cause they can't get you and they like you. Some guys don't know how to express they're feelings when they like someone. It may not seem like it, but it's true. It sounds a lot like me and some boys have even admitted it. Don't change and don't worry about what people think of you. Hope this helps and remember keep your head high!!!
You can't force people to like you just as you can't also like everyone and it might be for one reason or the other. All that matters is you coping with them. If not then you have to do away with the pride you've got inside, it is very obvious the way you narrated it. But if you feel it is the right thing you are doing then keep it up, if not then repackage your lifestyle whiles there is time to do it.
NOTE: Virtue is not gain by what you eat, wear, do, or how you see yourself but rather, the way the people you esteem highly sees you.
There are people in this world who only care about crap. They don't just don't care. Boys are boys. I think every girl will learn that at some point so you really can't "please" them. You do sound a little like me so what i do is talk about what they like. People in this world like to make fun of people because they are really insecure and/or jealous of somebody else. Just be yourself. That is what i do. It is good not to be fake either. So, just learn that guys are guys. Sooner or later, you'll find somebody who really appreciates you.
Aww thanks
Guys are d*cks! :P to tell u the truth, thats the way they show girls they like them! they tease u, hurt u, bug u, and sometimes even harass you! they do w.e to try to make u jealous because they dont have the balls to tell u they like u! egnore them back! give em a taste to their own medicine!
but deffanetly dont change! stay the same way U r!
Oh yeah thanks a lot for calling me that! Not ALL guys do this especially NOT me! And that probably isn't a sign that they like someone! If a guy really liked a girl, he wouldn't be a d*ck to her! I know this because I'm a guy! If a guy harasses a girl they want to fit in with their friends. It probably doesn't have anything to do with the girl. I know it's horrible but some guys are just like that.
P.S. if a girl gives a guy "a taste of their own medicine" it is going to end very badly and the girl is just going to be harassed to more!
she wasn't exactly referring to you.
And actually guys do that. And ofcourse because they want to be popular amongst their peers.
But giving a taste of their own medicine is something you have to do once in while because you just can't take that kind of thing from anyone, especially not from boys.
It's called 'woman empowerment' weird person.
not true if a guy likes you either he's going to be himself or someone else....Like he's either going to try to be funny and act stupid or he's going to be who he is. You see me I just try to know the girl but its not about me its her she needs to just be herself if they don't like you the just dont but aslong as there not physically hurting you then you should be ok Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
it means they want to get your attention im just like you you are perfect those people that talk about you are jealous if its girls but boys that means they want you to talk to them and get closer to you so do not ever think your not perfect your awesome and have confidence in yourseelf kay bye
Dear Rockchick, you observed yourself in your conscious mirror that you are a totally unique personality with normal and common characteristics. my observation from your statement is that the problem not seems with others. you have to slightly modify yourself. change your perspective. you are not unique you are in common lifestyle. reduce the distance. instead of observing, please mingle. criticize and be criticized, lough and be laughed.
By the way you express in words you are so lovable and friendly. hope soon you will write me that you are very successful and happy. I love to b your friend.
I think you should continue on how you are and ignore those boys! They are rude for doing that! They don't deserve you. There are plenty of fish in the sea:) you don't need a boy to be happy, if you have friends and people who are there for you, that should be what matters.
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Ok I’ll try I’ll see if they feel horrible