Wwii Topic Questions
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We found 13 questions associated with the 'Wwii' topic. Displaying results 1 - 10.
How do I find information on my grandfather who served in WWII? He was a POW, but liberated?
My grandfather was shot down during WWII and was taken prisoner. While he was liberated, he spoke very little about the situation. I was hoping to ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open
Related topics: wwii, grandfather, prisoner
Google - what event finally brought the United States into WWII and when did it occur?
It's this study weeks question on week 15 and need help with crossword
Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open
Related topics: study, state, week, wwii, event, united, google, united states
Describe how WWII is relevant to the end of colonialism in terms of The Atlantic Charter, Britain,?
What are the reasons behind fascism in Germany aftermath WWII?
Why did FDR put an embargo on certain goods to Japan?
Around the time of WWII. Whenver FDR put an embargo on Japan.
What things did Japenese Military do to maintain control over tha Japanese people?
About history around the time of WWII.
Google - Why didn't the WWII ship convoys deploy net down their sides to catch topedoes?
Sort of like a fishing boat, so the torpedoes would be caught in net before hitting the ships
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: fishing, catch, boat, convoy, ship, side, down, wwii, nets, sort, google, net