The Doors Questions

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What I do if my principal does not know that I was in restroom and got locked she locks door?

During lunch my principal locks restroom when its 12:00 and I had to use restroom when I notice she yell im locking the door and good thing I was ...

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What to do my key gets stuck in the door?

After returning from the Detroit office, I tried to open the door. Right after you twist the key into the keyhole, I realize it is stuck!! What ...

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What to do my key gets stuck in the door?

After returning from the Detroit office, I tried to open the door. Right after you twist the key into the keyhole, I realize it ...

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Cats won't stop peeing in the house?

Please help me.we have 2 male cats and 1 female cat. 1 of the males and the female keep peeingon our clothes and by the door. We have ...

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What happens if a luggage gets caught between the doors of train as it closes?

Would the doors open again? Would the train stop from leaving or would the train depart?

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Here's an awesome riddle?

You are locked in a room with two doors and two computers. One of the doors leads to death, while the other leads to safety. You must ask one of ...

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Noise when scared!?

When I am startled or jump, I hear a weird rushing noise. For example, the other night, I got up to go to the toilet, and when I opened the door, my ...

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