The Doors Questions
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What I do if my principal does not know that I was in restroom and got locked she locks door?
During lunch my principal locks restroom when its 12:00 and I had to use restroom when I notice she yell im locking the door and good thing I was ...
What to do my key gets stuck in the door?
After returning from the Detroit office, I tried to open the door. Right after you twist the key into the keyhole, I realize it is stuck!! What ...
Popular Questions
What to do my key gets stuck in the door?
After returning from the Detroit office, I tried to open the door. Right after you twist the key into the keyhole, I realize it ...
Cats won't stop peeing in the house?
Please help me.we have 2 male cats and 1 female cat. 1 of the males and the female keep peeingon our clothes and by the door. We have ...
What happens if a luggage gets caught between the doors of train as it closes?
Would the doors open again? Would the train stop from leaving or would the train depart?
Here's an awesome riddle?
You are locked in a room with two doors and two computers. One of the doors leads to death, while the other leads to safety. You must ask one of ...
Noise when scared!?
When I am startled or jump, I hear a weird rushing noise. For example, the other night, I got up to go to the toilet, and when I opened the door, my ...