Sentence Topic Questions
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We found 424 questions associated with the 'Sentence' topic. Displaying results 21 - 30.
Correct: depression is the blackhole inhalation. Or: depression is the inhalation of the blackhole,
Which sentence ia correct?
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: depression, sentence
A few days ago on Quora I asked if otherworldly beings could contact us using electronics?
When I looked I seen that my sentences had all come out backwards. I had used the word and twice but reading it back I seen that for some reason it ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: reading, back, electronic, electronics, sentence, word, contact, days, day
There are two sentences below. I suggested that we should go home. I suggested that we go home?
There are two sentences below. I suggested that we should go home. I suggested that we go home. I think these sentences are same meaning ...
Can someone help me with this? It's for an exam?
Which sentence is correctly punctuated with a colon? A: I have finally mastered new tricks for the half-pipe the poptart, the barrel roll: and the ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: barrel, roll, trick, pipe, exam, news, colon, tricks, sentence, exams
Complete the sentence. If you didn't shake the camera so much your photographs?
What is the first sentence on page 198 of Intro to Programming Using Visual Basic 2015 (10th ed)?
On page 198 of Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2015 (10th ed) there is a box that says Example 1. What is the first sentence that ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open
Related topics: first, page, example, visual, programming, sentence, visual basic
I occasionally see these weird sentences in my husband's texts. When I ask him he claims "IDK"?
Here are some examples: JddBss88f, Yu Jijykkkkkkkor I Czzzzzzzzzzkk HGH... Another: kjkkk my mk ko krij on nh What is this? Please help
Can I say "I come first"? Like I am important. Is this sentence correct or can you not...
...say it like that?
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