Novel Questions
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What is the meaning of pesky quarterback and pesky badger?
I was reading a novel where women use these for a bad guy who hit her by a car and fell. she was angry.
What makes a comic/graphic novel character relatable?
I'm in the process of designing characters for a superhero themed comic taking place in a somewhat dystopian future. I want to tie in real world ...
Popular Questions
I'm writing a romance novel. I need a first name for a girl with the last name Hershey. Any help?
The character's description: She has blonde hair (somewhat long) ...
If the Hunger Games were real, how would you imagine it?
if the united states were to create a hunger games just like the films and the novels, how would you imagine it? ...
Is this step mother mean?
I am writing a novel and the main characher is a girl with confidance issues and she feeel as if she's not pretty in this page her step ...
Can you help with a story title?
Okay. The first thing I want to say is that if you don't like gays and you get the urge to comment something mean about them down in ...
Desperately need a good book raccomandation!?
I really want to read a good romance novel...its been ages since i've read a decent book and i don't know which ...