Motivation Questions

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1. Search online for a recent article discussing an entrepreneurial venture, a start-up company.?

... Describe the venture, the motivation for the start-up, and the background of the entrepreneur

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What's your motivation in life to keep you going?

I have this feeling sometimes that I just want to stop and die. I feel so tired and hopeless. I feel like I am lost and I am not happy with my job.

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If a Fourth Reich was made somehow in modern times do you think Neo-Nazis worldwide would join it?

For example what would been the Neo-Nazis true motivation or goals by joining it etc?

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What's your motivation in life to keep you going?

I have this feeling sometimes that I just want to stop and die. I feel so tired and hopeless. I feel like I am lost and ...

7 answers | | Open

Is motivation is necessary to recover from addiction?

If a person admitted in drug rehab center to recover their addiction problem and they make progress even a baby step ...

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Why do you want to get good grades? answer whatever that comes to your mind?

Why do you want to get good grades? answer whatever that comes to your mind. it could be ...

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Weight Loss?

Recently I've been feeling depressed, and I'm not talking about suicidal depression I'm just questioning things about myself. I've even ...

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I'm no longer a hard working person, is it burnout?

I'm one of the top students in my school.i used to study up to 10 hours on regular basis without feeling bored.i ...

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