Italy Questions

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What are the uses and importance of the seas that surround Italy?

I would like the answers to be separate like the Adriatic Sea needs its own use and importance and there are 5 seas?

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What was Italy's government and what was it like in 1912?

I'm trying to find the type of government that was in power in Italy before World War I. I also need to know the effects of it on the economy ...

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Where to travel for 2-3 weeks HURRY PLEASE?

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UK Courier Link Ltd ( )?

I want to send a package to Italy and Uk Courier Link has an office very close to my address and their fees are lower. ...

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What's the nationality of Christopher Columbus ? Spanish or italien? explain please?

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Should I go to Italy although I'll miss 8 days of school? these 8 days are the first of 11th grade?

Should I go to this trip to Italy although I'll miss 8 days of ...

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