Belly Questions
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Dog has black patches on his belly and he feels like he running a temp erature?
He don't have fleas and his skin is too oily
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How do I get rid of the fat pouch under my belly button FAST? My whole stomach is flat until then:(?
Im 5'2 and weigh 115. my stomach is flat and I somewhat have ...
I am 13 and I weigh 140 lbs, and I would really like to weigh a HEATHLY 100 lbs, help?
I really would like to be comfy in my own skin, not have thigh fat or no extra ...
Am I getting fat? Should I be worried?
I'm a 14 year old girl and my belly has gotten bigger. Over the last 6 months my waist has gotten 3cm bigger and in the last ...
How do I clean dry blood off my belly piercing?
I got my belly pierced yesterday with my friend. When i walked back home i seen so much blood. I get that its okay to ...
• Guys answer plz •?
Do guys (in Junior High) like girls who show some skin? Like, girls who wear short shorts and belly shirts and stuff like that. Do guys in like ...