Adult Questions

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I am trying to figure out the name of the adult cartoon where it has an episode where the guy is an?

... imposter or something like that pretending to be the other guys wife, and one of them is singing a song about shooting the other guy with a bb ...

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Do you think adolescents who commit violent offenses should be charged as adults and held as?

... completely responsible for their actions? - Are there ever exceptions to the side you are arguing? If so, what criteria would you use to ...

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Can a healthy adult in the USA donate enough organs to become unable to work and get on disability?

Note, a lower life expectancy is obviously anticipated due to the nature of the question. Also, the potential difficulty of getting doctors to ...

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People - I was on my BF's computer the other day and used the history to locate a website I was on?

... early and couldn't seem to find. I noticed while in the ...

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You are selling tickets for the school musical.Student tickets cost $4 and adult tickets cost $

... sell 450 and collect many of each type of ticket you ...

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How to make my tooth grow in faster?

Hello, I am a teenager and about a year ago I noticed a bump above my incisor tooth and later I realized that it was an adult tooth ...

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How do you persuade an adult to get a dog?

Please can someone tell me how to persude an adult to get a dog?i have wanted a dog fo more than a year but I have not got one ...

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