Hello, I am a teenager and about a year ago I noticed a bump above my incisor tooth and later I realized that it was an adult tooth forcing itself down because I never lost the baby tooth. It turns out that the tooth was stuck and thats why I couldn't remove it naturally so I got it removed about 6 months ago. It has still not totally come down but it is very visible when I smile. Please help me I have been covering up my smile ever since last year and I am totally sick of it, is there any way I could make my tooth grow in any faster? Thank you so much for helping!
Answers (1)
i think that you have to follow the dentist ideas on that cause they know more about i would go back to the dentist and let him see if he can fix it or tell you how to handle it right way i think if you take care of your gums you should get throught this it might be the perfect oportunity and mabe grow back in faster
just you should probably kill yourself. maybe that will help
Umm excuse me NEVER tell anyone to kill themselves, I have the exact same tooth problem my dentist told me to wait about nine months.
@howboutno DONT EVER tell someone to kill themselves. It’s not funny at all. I have the same problem where my teeth are coming in late. Just be patient
Thank you!