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Which name do you prefer better: Tenley, Renley or Henley?

Posted 3+ months ago | 5 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, first, love, davis, cousin, girls, name

Answer posted by Anca Arce 3+ months ago: Henley is a cute name and it goes perfectly well with the last name. Congrats!

I love my cousin and my crush at school and my crush is cheating so am gonna love my cousin?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: school, love, cousin, schools, cheating, crush

Answer posted by PInk_Sunset 3+ months ago: ok first of all. If your crush is cheating at school on people. That's a sign that you shouldn't like them. If they are cheating on people they don't deserve you because they are going to do the same to you. Another thing is that you don't love your cousin if it's family ...

Which name do you prefer better: Tenley, Renley or Henley?

Posted 3+ months ago | 5 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, first, love, davis, cousin, girls, name

Answer posted by PInk_Sunset 3+ months ago: Probably Henley it goes right with the last name.

I love my cousin but I'm afraid to tell her !!?

Posted 3+ months ago | 34 answers | | Open

Related topics: love, year, cousin, guys, afraid, old, years, sad

Answer posted by PInk_Sunset 3+ months ago: ok first of all why your cousin. That is just kind of messed up tbh. If you love her as in a family matter than it is ok. But if you love her as in a crush that is really messed up. It's just a crush and it will pass by or a phase you won't love her forever.

I need help with knowing if someone has a crush on me…?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: street, phone, talking, friend, circle, walking, side, cousin, friends, phones, crush

Answer posted by PInk_Sunset 3+ months ago: Yeah he could like you maybe small chance. But if you like him maybe spend more time with him and get to know him. And maybe he will like you

Which name do you prefer better: Tenley, Renley or Henley?

Posted 3+ months ago | 5 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, first, love, davis, cousin, girls, name

Answer posted by n1k1au5 3+ months ago: Renley Davis is so cute! Congratulations!

Which name do you prefer better: Tenley, Renley or Henley?

Posted 3+ months ago | 5 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, first, love, davis, cousin, girls, name

Answer posted by Zikomo 3+ months ago: I’m opting between Tenley and Renley. Not so much a fan of “Henley”.

Which name do you prefer better: Tenley, Renley or Henley?

Posted 3+ months ago | 5 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, first, love, davis, cousin, girls, name

Answer posted by Dinosauce Sparrow 3+ months ago: Do you need any middle names too? I can come up with a few names for each and then you and your cousin can narrow it down. Henley Savannah Henley Rose Henley Janel Henley Nicole Henley Grace Henley Madison Renley Marie Renley Sophia Renley Hope Renley Nicole Renley Anne Renley Lynn Tenley ...

I need help with knowing if someone has a crush on me…?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: street, phone, talking, friend, circle, walking, side, cousin, friends, phones, crush

Answer posted by 434268 3+ months ago: idk he could like you but like you said you have only talked once does he live close if he does you could probaly talk to him again but idk

What is my first cousin five × removed child to me is it my first cousin four × removed or no?

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: child, first, great, uncle, cousin, son

Answer posted by DoreDarcyHatesHerBro 3+ months ago: Brother I told you not to make a account im coming to your room → now to beat you ↑

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