... mean he still likes you?
He asked me a question out of the blue and I talked to him. He seemed sorta relieved when I did (it was hard to catch emotion cause he kept a straight face when he talked to me) but kept a distance sorta but he would glance at me sometimes. He flirts with a lot of girls but with me he gets kinda shy and used to talk and flirt when we was alone and when everyone was around he would just talk to me normally. I hadn't seen him in three months or so but when I rejected him he seemed really pissed, wouldn't look at me and pretended i wasn't there. ouch. And plus he mocked me when I was messing around with his friend and laughed when I hit him.
I just want to know. I feel bad for rejecting him and he never gave me a chance to explain why I did. I'm a Pisces, if that helps in some way. thanks in advance.