I have an African clawed frog that escaped from his tank almost 3 nights ago so he is recovering from dehydration but is showing signs of his normal self. I had him in a shallow quarantine bowl where he was completely covered in water but was able to just lift his head for air to make it the easiest on him to breathe as he was rehydrating, but I moved him back to his filtered 10 gallon tank after about a day cause he seemed normal. He seems to be able to swim fine in his 10 gallon tank and chirps on a normal basis but is just more fatigued than usual and has shedded himself which I hear are expected for a recent escapee. But just now he started convulsing a bit. For a little over a minute, he kept bowing his body slightly, mostly his head but it seemed to take most of his body. Is he ok? He is almost 1 year old.