Answers (4)
Most people have a religious belief, in something. However many who may be part of some religious group are not completely knowledgeable on what the Bible say as to what God requires of them.
So then the question could be asked, will changing to conform to another person's belief make you happy and pleasing to God or would both of you investigating what the Bible says God requires and together applying it, make you more united and happy?
Reference to this subject can be found @ (Book) "What does the Bible really teach."
Hope this was helpful.
No, I would not change my belief but if I was contemplating marriage, I would look for a mate who shares my beliefs. This is according to God's instructions at 2 Corinthians 7:39 to"marry only in the Lord," as well as the counsel at 2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness?"
What is marriage? Marriage is a Divine institution when two people decide to live as one. When two people decide to live as one, everything else becomes secondary. What is important is the love between two people. If there is no love between the two, then the marriage itself is meaningless. Therefore religion should not prioritize marriage; marriage must only happen when there is Divine, genuine love of body, mind, heart and Soul. How does it matter? Religion is just a kindergarten, it hardly matters what religion we belong to, we are all Divine Spirits and we have to evolve to spirituality. We have to go beyond religion.If religion is so important to us in our decision making, then we should think twice before getting married.