I have a business idea that is to create handmade packages toolkits for people. Meaning I prepare small gift insides eg. minibouquets/smallsofttoys/miniaturematchboxes/minidreamcatcher/origamis/otherideasfrompininterest/photoalbums throw in one or two chocolates plus design the letters and envelopes with names written and strings to tie them up and send the toolkit for the buyer to the finishing touches and from the materials I gave them, tie everything up and gift it personally or through snail mail. It may include a small item plus a card for invitation to a date for example or a simple hello, I-am-thinking-of-you gift. There would be constant renewable of gift plus top favourites to choose from.

Do you think it is viable would you spend money on it? I might be charging around SGD$45 (USD$30) for each package.