Hi, I have been in a very strong and healthy relationship for a month and 3 days until my girlfriend decided to just be friends. I am 17 she is 18.

She absolutely adored me as much as I adored her, she always sent me love letters and and drawings and told me how great I am to her, she even said she wanted to be a better person when she was around me. We had so much in common, we were almost the same, she was just as crazy as me, liked the things I did (she said what she liked which I noticed were the things in common)

She had a moment when she was having a bad week and so she decided to end the relationship. I still talk to her and remain friends, even then she tells me I'm amazing and handsome which are nice to hear even though we're not together. She also told me days later that she had a moment where she had a 'talk show' going on in her head and the person with the microphone said "so you left a healthy relationship, tell me how you're going to end your miserable life, I panicked a little but she said she just wants to snap out of her mood and be happy. Well shortly after the relationship end someone I know decided to spread that she cheated on me and a week later I see she has another boyfriend (but that isn't much evidence that she cheated though)

But something tells me that she isn't truly happy with this guy, and she says I'm her only hope in humanity. I think things wont last as long and I think she might want to be with me again.

So do you think it'll be okay to get back with her, even though there might be a possibility that she cheated on me? I really miss her and kinda hope it would be okay, she's the only thing to actually make me happy in this miserable surrounding of idiots I have to put up with every day at college.

(Sorry for the long text, had to get detail).