Hello, I am a 16 year old male, 6?3 (190.5cm) and weigh 75 kg. Around a month ago I was on vacation in a hotel, I had contracted sinusitis and was being treated for it, I noticed that whenever I coughed my lower back would hurt, but only a little and only for a brief amount of time, the pain would quickly go away even though it felt pretty uncomfortable for around 5-7 seconds. The morning I had to check out, I had another coughing fit and at this point after coughing, my lower back had an EXTREMELY sharp pain, it hurt so bad that my eyes started tearing up whenever I sat, stood or bent over, it was truly a nightmare, and I had to do A LOT of travelling on this day as well which made it even worse, after I got home i rested up and it got better but its still there! It's been a month now, the pain is still a lot (never as much as the first day) and it occurs when i sit, stand, bendover or even stretch my hips infront. Please help me, I'm getting increasingly worried, I'm only 16 what is this?

Alright so its MAINLY on my right side of the lower back, its a sharp stinging/stabbing sensation pretty deep (not on the surface) and sometimes I can feel tingling in my right leg.
On the first day it was just the entire lower back but now its mainly on the right side.. But sometimes i can also feel some pain all over.