I am 15, 163cm and want to lose weight/tone up, and here is my plan for the next 8 weeks (I am eating a healthy 1800 calorie a day diet too btw):

**I want to be 50kg, and be fit and toned in two months

Everday I do the following throught the whole day(as of today):
*30 minute walk
*Workout (see below for what my workout is)
*30minutes zumba class
*30 minute walk
*30 minute zumba class

My Workout:
*Stretching 10-20 mins
*50 situps
*50 crunches
*100 side crunches
*50 bicycle crunches
*25 Table top crunches
*15secs hold plank

*30 leg lifts on side
*20 Leg bicle on side
*15 High leg left on side
*10 small circles on side
*10 large circles on side
*** above is repeated on othrt side

*15 leg lifts on back

*5 boy pushups
*15 girls pushups
*200 weight lifts
*50 double weight lifts
*100 weight lifts above head
*50 double weight lifts above head
*15 other weights

*40 squats

I will be burning over 500 calories a day, everday (which is 3500 calories a week, which is one pound)

so I aim to lose at least 8 pounds

Do you think this will work??