I got my wisdom teeth taken out this passed Monday. It is now Friday night. Everything seems okay but one thing. I have a huge flap of skin on my inner cheek as if I bit my cheek and now there's a big piece of skin loose. It is not a part of my gums, it is definitely my cheek. Any ideas what it may be?
Responses (1)
Actually Sir/Mama, this is totally normal. When the dentist works on your teeth, sometimes the instruments rub against your cheek. Once a tare has been started, it continues to grow due to your mouth in constant motion. Another possibility is sickness. Sometimes the infection in your mouth will eat away at the skin, and then a new layer will grow within the next couple days. Depending on the thickness, just rip the skin off. Sometimes you just have to play with it all day with your tongue, and it will just fall off. There is most likely nothing seriously wrong!
Best Wishes,
Ian Dickerson