Using Win 7. Trying to copy 6 GBYTE file to a thumb drive with 200 GBYTE unused... Why do I get an error message "file is too large for the destination file system"?
Answers (1)
https :// www . basictricks . net / the-file-is-too-large-for-the-destination-file-system/
Apparently, usb drives are usually formatted as FAT32, which can only support up to ~4gb (2^32b) in a single file. The article provides instructions on how to reformat it (which likely involves wiping all current memory).
My 2c, avoid creating such large files in the first place. If it's a log, split it by some timespan. If compressed, dissect to a number of zips. Singular large files are difficult to read, extract, and load to memory as is demonstrated.