It's so bad that even the softest walking step my face jiggles. I am a 19 yr old male. I am 6 ft. 1 and I weigh exactly 140 lbs. We all clearly know that is well below a 10% bodyfat. I stay in shape, not just in shape but I want to do stuff greater, like join the Olympics or something. Now I know this is a trash mile time compared to the greats, but I run a sub 4:40 mile, so it is clear that I am more in shape than your Average American Joe. I am a distance runner, I run very long distance, around 50-60 miles weekly. I also do ab workouts and consistent weightlifting weekly, 1-2 times a week.

That's the fitness part, let's get into the diet part. First and foremost I've been living a healthy lifestyle for all my life. Not 2 or 3 years, but ALL my life. I stay well hydrated with water, I drink lots of fluids and antioxidants like black tea, green tea, etc. I stay low in sodium but get a sufficient amount and take vitamin supplements that are high in calcium and b's. Everything I eat are low in fat, lots of very lean meats, veggies and fruits. I rarely ever, ever eat junk food, maybe once or twice every 2-3 months to keep my sanity?

So what's the problem? Why is my face still like this? Genes? Yeah maybe but my Father doesn't have a round head and I took from his side the most which really mind boggles me. I've tried facial exercises and gum chewing for years but didn't really help. And 19? C'mon man your whole body has basically matured by then.