My chameleon was digging holes and I came home today and noticed I couldn't find her, I saw that she made a tiny hole that maybe three of my fingers could fit in. I could barely see her just the back of her leg. Her colors were dark and I couldn't tell if she was breathing, she wasn't moving so I made the decision to try and take her out. I scooped as much sand as I could off the top trying to get to her but it covered her I quickly brushed it away and found her head. Her eyes were closed I tried to scoop under her belly but the sand was pressed against her and I didn't want to break a bone I brushed more sand off and got her out. She was all dark and she would open her eyes for a few seconds then close them, I could tell she was cold so I put her on her branch under the heat lamp to warm her up. About 20 minutes later she was looking at her food bowl so I fed her some crickets but I'm worried that she won't lay her eggs anymore, do you think she will and I don't have a vet that can help with chameleons. What should I do?