Will a game that requires say 2.1 Ghz processor speed run on a machine with a 1.2 Ghz processor speed?
Answers (25)
I am a gamer with more then 300 games on steam, and I built my own computer. I do not have the best offered or even close, so I am also in the same boat as many who can not get best performance, just because the good stuff cost way to much money.
Will the game work on your computer if its not as suggested. It greatly depends on the game you want to play, the hardware you have running in your computer not just your processor (cpu). I would suggest trying to find a demo of the game you wish to try or play, or contact the game company its self giving them your system information. Otherwise you will just need to test it for yourself. Chances are because you have a 1.2 instead of a 2.1GHz it will not work, but that doesn't mean for sure it will not. If you do not mind playing the game in the lowest game settings it might work, but you wont get the best experience of the game & graphics.
You might in the future consider adding more information about the game in question, and the model or build of your computer so that we can better answer your question, and give you the help you need & deserve.
In any cause I hope you find this information useful, and best of luck!
Depends on your luck. And how long that luck will last. Some games may run , but since the processor is not strong enough to run the game, (If you are lucky it lets you run the game to begin with, you might receive an error saying it wont start cause of blah blah blah) but it will put a lot of strain on that processor and cause it to heat up faster and to higher temps, and heat being a computers worst enemy besides surges and water, will cause your computer to fry, but if the force is truly with you, then you might be able to run the game as a power point. So wait 5 min to allow me to click for the next slide. (jokes) Super bad frame rate, like 1 frame a minute lol. Try running Ark on a Centrino , or an i3 on ultra settings and run into the forest. You will have a nice view of a green blur for the next 3 days stuck on your desktop.
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