Background: I consider myself to have type 3a/2c because I have curls, but they were very loose and very few were a jagged sort of thing. The top of my head near the roots only on the top are very straight and flat no matter what I do, but the under layers curled up fine before.

The problem: My hair is now stringy, kinda stretchy, and won't curl, it just goes into a poof. I used to use leave-in conditioner but I ended up not liking the product. I use silicone free conditioner, and sulfate shampoo (bad, I know). I have been using the same shampoo and conditioner for 2 years. Also, when I shower I pull out SO MUCH hair, when I used to pull out only a few strands. My hair is usually in a bun now due to the hotter weather, so could that contribute to my sudden loss of curl pattern? I'm not gradually losing my pattern, it all of a sudden changed from one wash to the next.