Mu husband lost the only set of keys to my car. Won't look for keys anywhere. He also allows people he has not known long to use his car but I need to food shop for his children and I'm not allow to use his car.
Answers (3)
Men in general can be really "funny" about their cars, but he should be more mindful of the care of his children. I wouldn't try to change his mind. Call either a locksmith or a car dealership and go with whoever is faster and cheaper, for a new set of keys plus extras. When you get new keys, then talk to him about why.
Thank you for answering. Your thoughts are the same of mine. However, easier said then done. I am a stay at home so I do not bring home a paycheck. When I need money I have to ask my husband. To have new keys with the computer chip made would cost over a hundred. I don't want to ask him for the money cuz it will cause another argument.