Hi everyone
I have a 1 year old rottweiler dog and he weights around 50 kgs,very healthy very active ,but recently i tried to let him hunt some cats ,because he seems to love it and i think its essential for him to have his instincts going ,but after chasing a couple of them and failing to catch them ,he finally got one them and killed it even he ripped the cat into pieces but he didnt eat it at all! ,and i got worried that there may be something wrong with him ,although i have to say same thing happened when i started feeding him hamsters when he was 4 months old ,he didnt even try to kill the poor guy but i gave him a freshly killed hamster he started to kill and eat them over the time ,but this time there are two reasons i cant d the same
1.it's hard to capture cats and feed them to him and they are pretty expensive in pet stores and they dont worth to just buy for 1 or 2 meals,
2.it doesn't looks like he likes cat meat at all !
So can anyone pleae tell me what is wrong with my dog and what should i do for him ?