Why isnt Dag in prison, or at least being persued by police at the end of season 3 of Lilyhammer? He is guilty of insurance fraud, which the police know. And he was pinned for murder by Jan which got Jan released from prison. So again the police know. After he wakes from his coma he is seen with the media being treated like a star??? I love this show but this is an obvious error. Unless I am missing something. Please help me understand...
Responses (1)
he could be paying a hefty fine and doing other things which might be in writing if not completed he could go to prison like paying the money back that he was fraudingly got which wasn't his to do that with and he got it fraudently so he should be paying it back plus be fined just as much he should be given community service to give back to society and your right he should be punished to the extent of the long arm of the law
that wouldn't answer why he hasn't been imprisoned for murder. Its nuts that they left an explanation out of the show entirely. I feel that it was a huge mistake and detracts from the believability of the show. That is why I assume I must be missing something obvious. However I've seen the season twice(almost) and they fail to even broach the topic.