Ive had problems with my skin for some time now, Im 19
I get spot im not full of them but i always have a few spots mainly around my mouth and nose
my skin is also really oily and dry i rub my face and can see skin falling all and have oil on my fingers
I use simple purifying cleansing lotion, ive tried things like e 45 cream but i find that makes me more oily
Is there anything else i can use? Help!
Why is my skin so dry and oily?
Responses (5)
just try a clean up for ur face...... am not sure that it will heal totally, i think it will reduce the oilyness in ur face........... use a fruit facial pack,cleanser for oily skin,scrub,exfol gel, toner and finally try a hydroxy masque....... just try it wil work out.......
There are many causes of dry skin and you may only treat it and hydrate it if you know whats causing the dryness. Hope it will help you.
Constantly exposing your skin to environmental and indoor factors can cause your skin to become dry. Regular exposure to the sun and strong winds can aggravate dryness in the skin. You may notice that your skin is at its peak of dryness during the climate changes especially during winter. Indoor factors such as the heater or air conditioner may also effect your skin.
Using soap to wash your face does its job by absorbing the oils from your skin, leaving it tight, dry with a shine and making it very uncomfortable for you.
Exposure to water and long hot baths and showers results in skin dryness and the heat takes away the natural oils from your skin.
Overuse of skin care products and cosmetics can result in damaging the skin hence causing dryness. When purchasing your make-up or skin moisturisers, do some research about the product and its ingredients and invest in quality rather than buying cheap brand make-up as the quality may be poor.
Taking drugs and medications may have side effects which cause dryness or patches of dry skin. If you have medical conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, these can also cause your skin to become dry and itchy.
Hormonal changes like while you are menstruating or when you are pregnant can cause changes in your skin type.
Usually, something in the environment -- or something you're doing to your skin -- is stripping away these fatty oils, leaving your skin unprotected. Less often, the cause is internal; a health condition or genetic predisposition is making your skin dry out.
If untreated, dry skin can sometimes lead to dermatitis -- inflammation of the skin. The good news is that just as most causes of dry skin are external, most cures for dry skin are external. With careful skin care, you can usually solve the problem.
Try to watch out the foods that you take. Maybe you are eating too much oily and fatty foods. Oily skin is also caused by the dirty air in your environment. You can try using ultimate body applicator from bodyapplicatorwraps.com . A cosmetic type product specifically formulated to help the skin and deeply hydrate and nourish it, reduce the appearance of cellulite, making it healthy and fair.
You can start moisturizing your skin to keep it well, not really oily, but healthy. But be careful in how you choose your skin products. I have always learned this from iwbodywraps.com where you need to check on the labels and ingredients. Choose those products that are natural so as not to harm your skin. Keep your skin healthy, clean, and most of all, hydrated by drinking lots of water. I am not quite sure if I get your question right though. Having an oily skin on your face is sometimes good so as it wouldn't wrinkle and make you look old. Instead, make you look youthful.