My husband never used to snore, and the past six months or so he has started to snore and it's gotten progressively worse. Last night, he woke up out of a deep sleep and was gasping for air but he wasn't getting any. It was the most awful sound I think I've ever heard. He jumped right up out of bed, threw his arms in the air, and stumbled against our bedroom door where he stood for a little while before turning and falling to the ground on his knees and laying his arms and head across our bed. The whole time I was asking him are you okay are you breathing are you okay? When he fell to the ground I unlocked my phone and started to dial 911 when he finally started breathing. After that he was a little shaken but he was fine. We were both scared for him to fall back asleep but he ended up being fine for the rest of the night. Then tonight, an hour and a half after falling asleep, he jumped up out of bed taking really long deep breaths and just sat on the floor. I tried asking him what was going on and he would give me an answer he just kept saying "shhhhh". A few minutes later he got back in bed and I was asking him if he was having trouble breathing and why he jumped out of bed again and just sat on the floor against the bed. His answer was that he didn't know, maybe it was a bad dream but that he couldn't remember and he wasn't sure what made him do it. Well, fast forward 30 minutes and he woke up again throwing his hands in the air like he was protecting himself from something or just reaching, I don't know. It was strange. He was taking a deep breath again and I said you better tell me what's going on with you! He asked me what had happened, he didn't know what he did when he woke up and he wasn't sure why I was asking him why he keeps waking up. It's starting to really scare me, as we sleep with our daughter in the room (6 months old today). It's really starting to worry me and he doesn't want to see a doctor. He never thinks anything is a big deal but this is not something I feel comfortable with. I thought maybe sleep apnea, but he is 22 and in GREAT health. He does have an irregular heartbeat, but other than that he is very healthy! It sounded a little like night terrors but he doesn't remember his dreams or if they were even bad dreams. So I'm really lost as to what this could be. He's now laying across the foot of the bed, since he woke up the second time. Which was just a few minutes ago. (Happened while I was writing this!) Any opinions of info would be great, I haven't found much help on the internet so far but hoping I can find something. Thanks