By the way, before you read this understand I am not depressed, I'm just very curious.

Okay, now this question is starting to really frustrate me because no one can answer it, yet. I believe life is wayyy to easy. We live, we love, we die. Now you might be wondering 'what is this guy talking about, school and work is stressful and hard'. Yes, but if you look at life as a whole, it was just 'that time' where you struggled to finish your assignment for school, or that work presentation. It isn't your whole life where you are stressing out. Even if, for some reason, your life is a continual stress, it still seems too simple. You wake up in the morning, go to work, come home, sleep, then repeat the next day for how ever long you live. I don't know, but to me it just seems too simple. This isn't just referring to celebrities that 'live the life' but even the 'average joe'. The average joe will go to school, get a job, fall in love, have a family, then one day, pass away. It all seems to structured and simple. Yes, we fill fight with our loved ones, feel like crap, and some of us even become depressed, however if these feelings were not part of us, I believe we would truly see how similar and simple each day is. We would come to realise that there is no real meaning in life. Some people will say 'yeah the meaning in life is to fall in love and have a family' or 'to become successful, and leave a mark in the world you left behind', but even then, if you do, it seems too simple to do so. If you think about it, no matter what we do, no matter what path we take, we will always end up in the same place, somewhere unknown.

If that was too long, I can simplify. Life is too simple. No matter what path we take, we will always end up in the same place, some people quicker than others, yet no matter what, we end in the same place. Its just that seems that life has too much of a structure and is too simple.

I believe that there is something, a greater power, a 'god' as some people would call it, that governs us with out us even realising, telling us what to do, and when.

I think that there is something that we, as a human race, have yet not discovered, that will change absolutely everything once we discover it, including the meaning of life.

I'm not sure, but let me know what you think.