Answers (3)
Please do not rest your self worth on their have much more to live for and that is YOU. Find something that make you happy and do not make your happiness depend on someone else! Only You can make YOU happy. I know it is easier said that done - believe me. IF you need help, please go see a counselor to put you on the right track
You have you to live for, and those others close to you still. Remember, they lost you! For a few short days just go ahead and hurt. Stay awake all night, cry, beat the hell out of a fencepost with a baseball bat, and just feel bad. Get it over with. There will always be more loves in your life, and more friends. But be careful who you call "best friend", best friends never leave. Yes life can be really s****y, but we move on. I lost a wife to her affair. I cried, wrote depressing e-messages to my other friends, cursed innocent people, and fired about 500rds from my AR15 into a very understanding tree stump, for about a week. Then I asked her best friend to spend the weekend with me in the Bahamas. We had a 4yr relationship, and parted as close friends. Still are. Go live your life and don't worry about yesterday.