I have recently graduated from university and I have been finding it extremely difficult to find a job that is not temp agency work in my area. Having been unemployed for some while I took an early morning minimum wage cleaning job in order to be doing something useful with my time. I have had two years work experience before uni working in a guesthouse so the agency decided to employ me. On my first day the cleaning manager came down from London in order to show me around the building and the areas I would be cleaning. He was the biggest arsehole I've ever met. At first I had to empty the bins in each room and he shouted angrily at me that I was emptying them wrong and a proper cleaner would know how to empty a bin. Then when I started to hoover he angrily grabbed the hoover off me and told that that I was not hoovering the way a cleaner should. I told him that in the guesthouse we cleaned in a different order and he angrily said that he asked the agency for someone experienced and then asked rudely, "how old are you anyway?" Then he got really angry and kept yelling "no no no!" everytime I got a bit lost in this maze of a building. He said that I should know my way around by now. (I had only been there half an hour!) When I cleaned the sinks in the kitchen and the toilet he dared to say to me that the guesthouse where I cleaned must have been unclean and not have much standards because I was working there. (please note that the guesthouse where I worked is highly recommended for its cleanliness and the guests were very happy there.) I thought to myself that if he politely showed me how he cleaned then I could learn some useful tips, he didn't have to be so rude! How could I work properly with him angrily shouting at me following me everywhere and angrily grabbing things out my hands. He was also on the phone for most of the time, and kept coming off the phone to yell and point to things that needed cleaning. the only thing that stopped me leaving was the fact that I would be working alone after the first horrible morning.
For the rest of the week I had to report to the cleaner upstairs just so she could let me in the building, but then I cleaned on my own. But I was still treated badly. My hours working hourse supposed to be 6 mornings a week for 2.5 hrs each day. I found out that I would only be working 4 mornings a week by my supervisor who cleaned upstairs. She said that next week because of the bank holiday I would be working 3 mornings which was fair enough, but on tuesday of the next week I phoned her so she could let me in the building at 5.50am. I was standing outside and she said "what are you doing here, no work this week." I clearly remember her repeatedly telling me that I was to work this week but just not bank holiday monday. I looked inside the building and saw that somebody was already cleaning in there, it looked like another cleaner had come back to work and I had not been informed by the agency or my supervisor. Luckily I have another permanent better job starting soon otherwise I would really have been stuck for money. Its awful being promised a certain amount of hours only not to be informed when another cleaner is doing my job even though I cleaned that place immaculately because I take pride in working hard. I was reliable, I always turned up on time during the one week that I worked. I don't know what is going to happen about next week, hopefully my new job should be starting any day now. Sorry for the large rant everyone, I just feel so annoyed at the bad treatment I received, I had to get it off my chest!