Ok my guy best friend has been ignoring me and I td him why and he told this girl to tell me he was mad at me and I said why and I know why because he thought I called him a bi$@ and I never said it but he thinks I did and I told hit I would never do that and he told me to say sorry, I love unicorns and I love SPARKLES!! In this weird voice so I did and he said why did you say I love you and I said no I didn't and I realized I love unicorns it almost sound like I'm saying I love you but he still I gored me when he got out of band because I walked up to him and he wouldn't talk to me and I felt sad so I went up to him and said I'm sorry I love unicorns and I love sparkles and I put my hands on his arm and said I'm sorry And he was fine then I asked him if he wanted me to wait for him when we left for the busses and he said no because he lied and he was going to be late and I don't know why he said he lied and when we left to go for the busses he wasn't to far from me and my friend and he walks slower and he also said earlier that he would think about it and he didn't want to talk to me all day tommarow and I got sad so the next day I ignored him and he tried to talk to me at lunch but I ignored him and also my friends ignored him so I could tell he was sad it looked like he wanted to cry so I wrote a note saying "hey I feel bad for ignoring you but you said you needed time to think about it but I hope your not mad or sad at me I love unicorns and sparkles hope we talk tommarow :)" and I drew a small unicorn and I knew he was sad and he wasn't going to talk to me or my friend so I td him I'm putting something in your backpack and I crammed it in there because it was full and he looked so sad I thought he was going to cry and I don't know what to do now please help