now a days, cloud computing became a buzz. Why it is given such an importance. If needed how can we implement it.
Answers (1)
Yes, now days, cloud computing became a buzz. Cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.
It is given such an importance because it gives a lot advantages for independent business owners listed below.
Achieve economies of scale
Reduce spending on technology infrastructure
Streamline processes
Reduce capital costs
Improve accessibility
Monitor projects more effectively
Less personnel training is needed
Improve flexibility
If you needed it then simply search on Google for cloud computing/hosting services provider and get connected with them.
In general you are right. But looking at a technical side - what matters is that servers do only exist virtually - they are virtualized, meaning that a single physical server can house a subset of virtual servers. This means that you decide which resources you / your project needs.
The cloud however is not a one-way road and not a magical solution to solving everyone's problems.
If not applied correctly the cloud can create more security problems than it solves. So be aware that Cloud computing has also downsides.
Yes. The cloud is highly scalable. With most providers you can add servers / storage / bandwidth aso with the click of your mouse, but you also need some knowledge to configure such services.
If you are looking into using a single Computing Instance (Server) and don't expect too much load on it, then rather go for a dedicated root server rather than a cloud machine. Root Servers can be cheaper and provide more power than Virtual instances in the cloud.
Cloud providers: Softlayer, Rackspace, IBM Bluemix, Amazon AWS just to mention a few.
Dedicated Servers: serverloft, server4you . these 2 are a great starting point and are extremely cheep. You still need some knowledge to manage a Root Server though.
Hope this helps.