Like honestly sit here frustrating at 4:00 AM with minimum sleep. These scientist now a days in 2017 inverted and came up with anything and everything you can think of. And it just gets me mad because nobody thaught of a sulotion on burbing a baby quicker? I mean I don’t know how and what is there to create but these doctors and other people should make something? Am I wrong or right? There should be something to create to burp a baby quicker then just patting and rubbing her/his back.
Answers (3)
Try Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water it's made with ginger and fennel. It helps your baby process food without creating so much gas... They sell it at Walmart and target. You also need to practice patience, your little one needs your care and love to thrive. Take it from an experienced mommy. Just rub your little ones back from bottom to top and Pat softly to help the gas bubbles separate. Be patient, be loving, rock your baby and it will be alright.
So scientists invited clean diapers? Lol. U didn’t understand my questions im with the program giving my baby food and clean diapers. But like I said scientists invtented like all wierd and unnescarry things in the world. Things nobody will ever think of. Why couldn’t they make sometime to burp a baby quicker and faster when a baby has gas? That will solve a lot of solutions and time at 2:00 - 7:00 AM for a lot of parents .