My mother has told me that I've "woken" up about 2 times throughout the night sometimes, acting in a very strange way. She's video recorded me both times. I was very moody, still half-asleep in a way and I was asking a lot of questions. I don't remember this at all. The only one that I remember was whenever she woke me up because we had to go somewhere quickly. I got up, looked at my mom and asked her "who are you?" She asked me what I was talking about and then I yelled "where is the owner of this house?" I was extremely confused myself, as I knew it was my mother I was looking at but I couldn't mentally figure out if it was really her. Shortly after each of these episodes, I get a terrible panic attack that doesn't go away for a few hours. This has happened probably 2-3 times in the past few months and I don't understand it at all. I'd highly appreciate some info and advice on this. Thanks for answering