I regularly get strangers that spam me with multiple Facebook messages until I finally respond and ask them to stop. Maybe 5-6 a week. They are usually people with broken English listed as living in places like Morocco, Spain or Iran. But almost every time, when I ask them to stop they say 'no please listen I love you', 'you are so beautiful I can't stop', 'you have to believe me I want to be together', the typical charade. But.... when I insist they must cease and desist, they always say, without fail, 'Okay then if you do not want to be with me, then block me'. Out of experimental curiosity at this point, I have started to say 'I shouldn't have to block you, you could just stop messaging me. It's that simple.' But they start begging. 'PLEASE block me, please!'
Once, I even said 'Okay I will.' But then didn't, to see what happens. He stopped messaging.
Why? Why do they want to be blocked so much? The common denominator is undeniable, 100% of the men that have contacted me from other countries have reacted this way. What part of culture dictates this behavior, and why do they insist that being blocked is the only answer to the problem?