To me it makes sense to allow it because for the people who are pedophiles it helps restrain themselves from going out and molesting kids. Not only that but what harm does it do when you allow it?
Responses (1)
Logic tends to fall within the span of one's views. With equal certainty, it could be claimed there's little correlation between the groups, or that more pervasive exposure to the notion builds tolerance and approval for something which could be marginalised out of existence in the system; for example, the way youtube disabled comment sections on children's videos after they became infested with sordid content.
Little to no scientific research has been conducted on this taboo subject, and so society goes with its default proclivities - namely, to shun all unconventional forms of hedonism on behalf of its puritanical objectives. Notwithstanding, that society has begun to unravel at the seams, as individuals in recent generations elect to ignore the mainstream consensus, and have constructed platforms to support those who do. Whether that will lead to reformation of the concept or a dystopia remains to be seen.