I have lived with cats since I was little, and as I've grown older I've come across quite a few cats referred to as a "Man's Cat." Along with this they prefer men and seemingly attack women who interact with them.
Most recently my father-in-law's female cat is quite fond of me. I can hold her, pet her, and she'll even perch on my shoulder and purr just like she acts with her daddy.
I'm still second best to her owner, but until I was told she hated women just recently, I had no idea I was so privileged (2 years actually). I mean she walks right up to me outside and I would simply pet her like any other animal that is friendly. It wasn't like I had to earn the trust anything.
Why is this? I've always wondered why these Male Selective cats seem to prefer me over other women. Even my father-in-laws former wife and current girl friend can't get near her without risk of being mauled. We're all baffled as to why she likes me.
My father taught me how to interact with animals, especially cats. Has this made me more "manly" when interacting with pets? Thus granting me respect from the male only cats I've come across? Or is it something strange like I smell like a guy or something because I typically don't wear perfumes etc...?
I'm just so curious! Thank You for your opinions!