I've been having the same dream about dying for quite some time now. It always starts out by me being with a family member and then something will happen and one of my family members will die is all realistic and real places. And then it go to what is the same part part of the dream as every other time. Which is where all of a sudden I start spinning and or being choked without being able to move or react whatsoever I am stuck like this until I awake and when I awake I know that it is a dream but it is also realistic because it's weird I will have a dream inside of another dream, I will die and wake up but it will be inside of another dream so there is at least one time when I wake up not realizing if I'm actually awake or you still stuck in the dream.... This does not happen every single night however it does happen more nights and then less and it always happens at least 3 to 4 times per night with me. Actually physically waking up meaning that I die a total of at least six or seven times per dream span, I am not scared of much but it definitely is a freaky dream I don't like the idea of my family dying and I hate the fact that I am not in control of what is going on at all, it is like am tied down forced to watch horrible things happen to my family and then die...... ( my wife and I recently had our first child and we are both very happy. We are in the process of buying our second home, I think I handle stress very well and don't see how this could be related whatsoever but I wanted to be sure to include it) any realistic answers other then people telling me I'm going crazy would be much appreciated. Thanks