Ok, so every morning, I wake up, just a regular day, then POW! just like that I start needing to go to the bathroom. Iv'e missed the bus at least 5 times this year just to finish using the bathroom. It's really starting to bug me, because my parents think I'm faking now. Like recently, I was driving with my parents to get some stuff in town, didnt have a problem-o. Then a few mins. later, my stomach starts to growl, so I ate one of my brother's litte 'Cinnimon Teddy Grams' thinking that would make me feel a little better, then I thought i needed to pass gas. But before I knew it, I needed a pants change. This has happened to me lots of times this year. I dont know if I should see a doctor. But my parents would probably just brush it off. I hope this isnt serious.