I am 22 and half years old, finishing up my vocational school training and getting ready to embark?on the next chapter of my life, and instead of feeling happy and satisfied, I feel lost, confused and feel as if I am in "limbo" half the time. My parents are getting older and I feel as if I am changing from the person who I was 5 years ago and honestly, sometimes I just don't want to grow up, in the literal sense. I still remember what it was like to be a kid- innocent, free, without worries or cares, and I miss the simpler times. I have always been one to have deep thoughts about life, death, change, and also tend to ponder philosophical, political and spiritual things as well, much how John-Boy Walton does in the TV show, "The Waltons". I feel the way he feels about life and such and I question almost everything.
I think I have become very cynical about many things and I don't like it. I follow the news, politics and current events and I at times, I feel hopeless for my future, my country and for the world in general. I feel old and yet so inexperienced...
Is it normal to feel this way when one is in their 20s? Maybe I am just very sensitive to a lot of things and now it's all beginning to make sense to me and it's disappointing. I hope this all makes sense and I appreciate any advice