Why do fireworks cost so much?

Responses (2)

I think it's because of ...

a - The controlled environment needed for production
b - Large insurance costs for production and transport
c - Health and safety ( fluorescent jacket wearing, clipboard waving, pen pointing, snivelling, boiled sweet sucking moustache twirling, nose picking bogey munching, mothballs and hard liquor smelling, butt scratching, hard hat and wellies in a Sahara desert pillow farm type of dude spoiling everyone's fun to try and make up for the fact that he's less than adequate in the trouser department and had his dinner money nicked off him in school!

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I am not sure but I think it could be because fireworks are only sold on just a few holidays, so sellers have to raise the prices to make up for not being able to sell them on more occasions, days, or, holidays.

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