My professor asked me to come to his office to talk. I went there today, he asked me questions about my life, then he started talking to me about participation. He said that he knew his smart students, and that i have potentials and it’s obvious. He wanted me to participate more. He actually also talked about a lot of stuff which showed that he’s watching me closely in his lecture. I’ve never taken courses with him before but why did ask me to come into his office to talk about my participation and personal life? From the way he talked it seemed that he knows about everything i do during his lectures, he told me that he caught me talking twice with my friend which he exaggerated , he also knows how many times i participated. So after i left his office and the time came for his lecture, another weird thing happened. He was taking attendance by seat numbers and i was drinking water from my bottle and i caught him staring at me! In a weird way! Then he snapped out of it and continued what he’s doing.What does that mean?? Why did he even call me to his office??
Answers (1)
You should have asked what percentage of his grading system did class participation account for. If it was significant then assure him that you'll work on that and be more involved. If it isnt much then there was no reason for uou to come in. As for personal information if it's anything involving outside of the classroom don't go there. Politely say you'd prefer not discussing it.
I'd advise email or facetime meetings instead of actually going in.
Good luck.