you might have come here looking for something different than you found but it doesn't matter you can still read this when we think of animals and plants ect. some people might think that they are just here to keep other things like it alive but if this is true than what makes us so special why are we any different I find myself thinking of this often and something to the idea that we don't matter any more than the grass we stand on every day does it just seems like we are here to keep everything else alive wich granted is a pretty big thing to do but if that's all im here for than I see no point to life its not fun to think of this every day in wich I do so every day I think of this is basicly im just asking is there any other reason for us/me to live?
Responses (4)
Yes, there is. We are different from animals and plants because we have a soul. We were created by God. Yes we do keep the things alive, but thats not our only purpose. We were made to serve God and that may not seem fun not but when life is over we will have some more fun. Life sucks but if we believe in our creator then we get it good in the end.
If you feel like humans are here to keep everything else alive, good on you. Most people think other life-forms were put on this earth to serve us. That means you're exceptional. Getting your point of view across to others and "keeping other things alive" sounds like one hell of a fight.
And nothing makes life worth living like a good fight.
Nobody can answer this question because nobody knows. A lot of work is currently being done in academia to try to reverse the arrogance of humans in separating ourselves from animals, plants, even objects, and many would argue that we are matter, as is everything on this earth. However, others, especially religious, would say otherwise. I personally do not think you could say that we are here to look after everything because it survived for hundreds of millions of years before we had evolved, and for the same reason, I don't think everything is here to serve us. What you think is your opinion and your preference, and try not to worry; life would be pretty boring if someone could tell you right now who put you here and why, and perhaps you can spend your life working out what you think. Besides, not knowing if we have a purpose transcendentally does not subtract any of the worth and purpose we can create in our lives, amongst other people. Don't mistake humanity having (perhaps) no real purpose with you not having any worth. If you enjoy life, surely that is the point.
Let's first understand the difference between humans and God's other creations. Animals like humans have a living soul, plants on the other hand do not. Humans where made after God's image, not meaning that we look like Him, more so the fact that we where created with the ability to understand the way He wants us to and we have free will. In fact if Adam had never sinned there would never have been any death. I can truly understand how you are thinking, with all the badness that is in the world we can sometimes not see any reason for us to be here other than to take care of the things that really take care of themselves. But we have to look at it this way, God never changes His purpose. Although His adversary Satan the Devil is influencing the world we know, God's purpose for the earth and mankind has never changed. God created to earth to be a paradise and for perfect humans to live on it, that purpose has never changed. So with that being the case no matter how hard life is or how life seems to have no purpose, Jehovah's purpose is still active and according to Bible prophecy, very near. In fact, we as God's servants here on earth have a role in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. At Matthew 24:14 says: "And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come". So never think that we have no purpose in life. If you would like to learn more go to and learn about how our creator feels about us and what He is going to for us in the future. I hope this will help you out.